Federal Ministry of Health (Germany) supports digital symptom diary by Climedo Health and SAS Institute

Federal Ministry of Health (Germany) supports digital symptom diary by Climedo Health and SAS Institute


May 15, 2020

Supporting health authorities with a digital symptom diary

With the support of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), Munich-based software company Climedo Health and the software company SAS Institute GmbH have developed a digital solution (“Symptom Diary”) to better track the symptoms of COVID-19 contact persons.


The Symptom Diary is an internet platform. This platform helps to relieve the burden on those affected as well as health authorities when contact persons of infected persons are sent to quarantine. Currently, health authorities call twice a day to check the health status in such cases. As an alternative to this, those affected will in future have the opportunity to enter their health status in the symptom diary via the internet platform. The use of the platform is completely voluntary. Before the project goes online, it will be checked in detail with regard to data protection and data security.


To this end, Climedo Health, with the support of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), has now started an extended test phase for the use of the digital symptom diary for the automated questioning of patients in quarantine. As part of the cooperation, the first health authorities are already being involved in the project.