With our minor release 3.5.0 we introduced several new features, improvements and bugfixes. See the most important updates below.
New Features & Improvements:
- Dashboard & widget improvements: The benchmarking and progression widget will be available for single select field types, allowing users to visualize a subject’s progress on quality of life questions, for example. In addition, several user guidance improvements are being implemented, as well as the option to expand the information displayed for the benchmarking widget.
- ePro improvements: We are continuously improving the loading speed of the ePro form fill-out and saving process. In addition, a new ePro scheduling option will be introduced, where ePros can be triggered based on defined and collected date (and time) field data.
- Project duplication: Users will be able to copy studies and surveys with all configured forms, workflows, and trigger events, facilitating UAT preparations and amendment processes, as well as transitions from pilot studies to clinical trials.
- Other: Multiple special characters can now be used in the option labels of selection option fields such as single-select or multi-select fields; field types and option values for selection option fields are now shown in the form configuration view to provide a better overview to project configurators
- Audit Trail: no “Form update” events will be created upon (S)AE creation if forms have not been updated by the user; user will see all audit trail events where user has access to
- Widgets: Progression/Benchmarking widgets are not shown when user is excluded from the form the widget is based on; the sliding modal progression widget for dropped subjects will not load indefinitely
- Other: uploaded images in rich text fields are now shown correctly; fields that are marked as unavailable can now be verified using our SDV feature
- and many more!
You can view and download the release notes for the 3.5.0 version update here.