New Whitepaper: 5 Tips for Incentivizing Product Users to Give Feedback

New Whitepaper: 5 Tips for Incentivizing Product Users to Give Feedback


June 15, 2021

Munich, Tuesday, June 15 2021 – Munich-based software company Climedo Health has published a new Whitepaper to help medical device manufacturers incentivize their product users to give more regular, high-quality feedback. 


One of the key issues for medical device companies is connecting with their product users and convincing them to give regular and constructive feedback which will allow manufacturers to continuously ensure and prove the safety and performance of their medical devices. Based on Climedo Health’s market surveys and customer feedback, the company has compiled five practical tips for gathering feedback on medical devices in a new Whitepaper. These tips apply whether they are dealing with doctors or patients:


  1. Going digital
  2. Knowing the product user
  3. Making their life easy
  4. Rewarding them
  5. Leveraging the power of automation


“Our recently published EU MDR survey results show that more than a quarter of respondents had trouble incentivizing their product users to give device feedback”, says Veronika Schweighart, Co-Founder and COO of Climedo Health. “But with the new MDR demands, gathering device data in the post-market phase will be crucial for all manufacturers. Furthermore, based on our conversations with clients, many also do not have any touchpoints with their users or even know who they are, which poses an issue for the development of user-centric medical devices. Our Whitepaper aims to bridge this gap by showcasing the different opportunities offered by digital tools, engaging users effectively and working with automation.”


The Whitepaper can be downloaded here free of charge.